
Javier Orraca-Deatcu

Posit Conference

Posit, formerly RStudio, hosts an annual conference including workshops, lunch-and-learns, and presentations touching on all things data science.

  • 2023 conference was hosted in Chicago
  • Approximately 1,200 in-person attendees

R represented the majority of the presentations but there was more Python content than in prior years



1. Quarto

Quarto Presentations

These web slides were built with Quarto and this section was copied almost entirely from Quarto’s Reveal.js demo documentation

The next few slides cover what you can do with Quarto and Reveal.js including:

  • Presenting code and LaTeX equations
  • Rendering code chunk computations in slide output
  • Fancy transitions, animations, and code windows

Pretty Code

  • Over 20 syntax highlighting themes available
  • Default theme optimized for accessibility
# Define a server for the Shiny app
function(input, output) {
  # Fill in the spot we created for a plot
  output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
    # Render a barplot

Code Animations

  • Over 20 syntax highlighting themes available
  • Default theme optimized for accessibility
# Define a server for the Shiny app
function(input, output) {
  # Fill in the spot we created for a plot
  output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
    # Render a barplot
            ylab="Number of Telephones",

Line Highlighting

  • Highlight specific lines for emphasis
  • Incrementally highlight additional lines
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01)
theta = 2 * np.pi * r
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
ax.plot(theta, r)
ax.set_rticks([0.5, 1, 1.5, 2])

Code Windows


title: "HTML document"
format: html

## Quarto

Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <https://quarto.org>.

## Running Code

When you click the **Render** button a document will be generated that includes both content and the output of embedded code. You can embed code like this:

::: {.cell}


You can add options to executable code like this

::: {.cell}


The `echo: false` option disables the printing of code (only output is displayed).



Great for training purposes or when you’ve got a time limit

# YOUR TURN! Complete the below 
# dplyr pipeline to group by and
# summarize the data set

data(package = "ggplot2", "diamonds")

diamonds |> 
  <your code here>
See {countdown} code
  minutes = 0, 
  seconds = 10,
  play_sound = TRUE,
  color_border = "#1A4064",
  color_text = "#76AADB",
  font_size = "3em"

2. Arrow

Larger-than-Memory Data

Arrow and Parquet

  • Columnar memory format for flat data
  • Ultra-fast read times from Parquet files
  • Easily convert data.frames and tibbles to Arrow tables in-line
  • Plays well with Pandas (Python) and dplyr (R)
  • Arrow will soon be able to process nested list data

How fast is fast?

  • My personal laptop has 24 GB RAM
  • To test Arrow’s capabilities, I read a 40 GB dataset with over 1.1 billion rows and 24 columns
  • The .parquet dataset was partitioned by Year and Month (120 files)
  • Important to note that my laptop would not be able to load this object entirely into memory as a data.frame or tibble given my laptop’s limited RAM

Benchmarking Read Times


# 0. Load Libraries to Download & Benchmark Data

# 1. NYC Taxi Data download (40 GB)
data_path <- here::here("data/nyc-taxi")

open_dataset("s3://voltrondata-labs-datasets/nyc-taxi") |>
  filter(year %in% 2012:2021) |> 
  write_dataset(data_path, partitioning = c("year", "month"))

# 2. Benchmark Read Times
bnch <- bench::mark(
  min_iterations = 1000,
  arrow = open_dataset(here::here("data/nyc-taxi"))


Benchmarking Read Times

  • Results show read times from a 40GB parquet, 1.1 billion row dataset (benchmarked over 1,000 iterations)

Benchmarking dplyr


# 1. Open Arrow connection to dataset (40 GB)
nyc_taxi <- open_dataset(here::here("data/nyc-taxi"))

# 2. Benchmark dplyr pipeline
bnch <- bench::mark(
  min_iterations = 10,
  arrow = nyc_taxi |> 
    dplyr::group_by(year) |> 
    dplyr::summarise(all_trips = n(),
                     shared_trips = sum(passenger_count > 1, na.rm = T)) |>
    dplyr::mutate(pct_shared = shared_trips / all_trips * 100) |> 


Benchmarking dplyr

  • Arrow + dplyr summarized 1.1 billion rows in less than 5s (benchmarked over 10 iterations) to a 10 x 4 tibble

Tidyverse Compatibility

  • Many functions from the tidyverse collections of packages have 1:1 compatibility with Arrow tables
  • However, sometimes you’ll encounter a breaking point
  • Take this stringr::str_replace_na() example:
nyc_taxi |> 
  mutate(vendor_name = str_replace_na(vendor_name, "No vendor"))
#> Error: Expression str_replace_na(vendor_name, "No vendor") 
#> not supported in Arrow
  • This stringr function is not supported by Arrow

but wait!

problem solved

User Defined Functions

  • Lucky for us, Arrow allows us to create and register User Defined Functions (“UDFs”) to the Arrow engine
  • Almost any function can be made compatible with Arrow by registering custom UDFs
  • Let’s learn how to register str_replace_na() with the Arrow kernel

Registering UDFs

  • First, run arrow::schema() on your Arrow table to review the field name / data type pairs
  • Since I want to mutate the vendor_name field, I know I’ll be working with an Arrow string() data type
#> Schema
#> vendor_name: string
#> pickup_datetime: timestamp[ms]
#> dropoff_datetime: timestamp[ms]
#> passenger_count: int64
#> trip_distance: double
#> pickup_longitude: double
#> pickup_latitude: double
#> ...

Registering UDFs

  • Next, use register_scalar_function()
  • Name your UDF “replace_arrow_nas” and remember to set auto_convert = TRUE
  name = "replace_arrow_nas",
  # Note: The first argument must always be context
  function(context, x, replacement) {
    stringr::str_replace_na(x, replacement)
  in_type = schema(
    x = string(),
    replacement = string()
  out_type = string(),
  auto_convert = TRUE

Registering UDFs

  • Try your new registered function
nyc_taxi |> 
  mutate(vendor_name = replace_arrow_nas(vendor_name, "No vendor")) |> 
  distinct(vendor_name) |> 
  arrange(vendor_name) |> 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 1
#>   vendor_name
#>   <chr>      
#> 1 CMT
#> 2 No vendor
#> 3 VTS

What’s next for Arrow?

ADBC: Arrow Database Connectivity

  • Competitor to JDBC & ODBC allowing applications to code to this API standard but fetching results in an Arrow format

What’s next for Arrow?

ADBC: Arrow Database Connectivity

What’s next for Arrow?

Arrow Flight SQL

  • A protocol for interacting with SQL databases using the Arrow in-memory format and the Flight RPC framework
  • Its natural mode is to stream sequences of Arrow “record batches” to reduce or remove the serialization cost associated with data transport
  • The design goal for Flight is to create a new protocol for data services that uses the Arrow columnar format as both the over-the-wire data representation as well as the public API presented to developers

3. DuckDB + duckplyr


  • DuckDB Labs created an in-line database management system, like a SQLite database engine, but optimized for distributed compute and optimized for larger-than-memory analysis
  • The duckdb package for Python and offers a state-of-the-art optimizer that pushes down filters and projections directly into Arrow scans
  • As a result, only relevant columns and partitions will be read thus significantly accelerates query execution

DuckDB setup

# R Install

# For later use by Python and R:
  from = "s3://ursa-labs-taxi-data", 
  to = here::here("nyc-taxi")
# Python Install
pip install duckdb
pip install pyarrow

DuckDB Basics


ds <- arrow::open_dataset("nyc-taxi", partitioning = c("year", "month"))

ds |>
  filter(year > 2014 & passenger_count > 0 & 
           trip_distance > 0.25 & fare_amount > 0) |>
  # Pass off to DuckDB
  to_duckdb() |>
  group_by(passenger_count) |>
  mutate(tip_pct = tip_amount / fare_amount) |>
  summarise(fare_amount = mean(fare_amount, na.rm = TRUE),
            tip_amount = mean(tip_amount, na.rm = TRUE),
            tip_pct = mean(tip_pct, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  arrange(passenger_count) |>
import duckdb
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as ds

# Open dataset using year,month folder partition
nyc = ds.dataset('nyc-taxi/', partitioning=["year", "month"])

# We transform the nyc dataset into a DuckDB relation
nyc = duckdb.arrow(nyc)

# Run same query again
nyc.filter("year > 2014 & passenger_count > 0 & trip_distance > 0.25 & fare_amount > 0")
    .aggregate("SELECT AVG(fare_amount), AVG(tip_amount), AVG(tip_amount / fare_amount) as tip_pct","passenger_count").arrow()

DuckDB Streaming

# Reads dataset partitioning it in year/month folder
nyc_dataset = open_dataset("nyc-taxi/", partitioning = c("year", "month"))

# Gets Database Connection
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())

# We can use the same function as before to register our arrow dataset
duckdb::duckdb_register_arrow(con, "nyc", nyc_dataset)

res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM nyc", arrow = TRUE)

# DuckDB's queries can now produce a Record Batch Reader
record_batch_reader <- duckdb::duckdb_fetch_record_batch(res)

# Which means we can stream the whole query per batch.
# This retrieves the first batch
cur_batch <- record_batch_reader$read_next_batch()
# Reads dataset partitioning it in year/month folder
nyc_dataset = ds.dataset('nyc-taxi/', partitioning=["year", "month"])

# Gets Database Connection
con = duckdb.connect()

query = con.execute("SELECT * FROM nyc_dataset")

# DuckDB's queries can now produce a Record Batch Reader
record_batch_reader = query.fetch_record_batch()

# Which means we can stream the whole query per batch.
# This retrieves the first batch
chunk = record_batch_reader.read_next_batch()

DuckDB Streaming Speed

# DuckDB via Python
# Open dataset using year,month folder partition
nyc = ds.dataset('nyc-taxi/', partitioning=["year", "month"])

# Get database connection
con = duckdb.connect()

# Run query that selects part of the data
query = con.execute("SELECT total_amount, passenger_count,year FROM nyc where total_amount > 100 and year > 2014")

# Create Record Batch Reader from Query Result.
# "fetch_record_batch()" also accepts an extra parameter related to the desired produced chunk size.
record_batch_reader = query.fetch_record_batch()

# Retrieve all batch chunks
chunk = record_batch_reader.read_next_batch()
while len(chunk) > 0:
    chunk = record_batch_reader.read_next_batch()
# We must exclude one of the columns of the NYC dataset due to an unimplemented cast in Arrow
working_columns = ["vendor_id","pickup_at","dropoff_at","passenger_count","trip_distance","pickup_longitude",
    "fare_amount","extra","mta_tax","tip_amount","tolls_amount","total_amount","year", "month"]

# Open dataset using year,month folder partition
nyc_dataset = ds.dataset(dir, partitioning=["year", "month"])
# Generate a scanner to skip problematic column
dataset_scanner = nyc_dataset.scanner(columns=working_columns)

# Materialize dataset to an Arrow Table
nyc_table = dataset_scanner.to_table()

# Generate Dataframe from Arow Table
nyc_df = nyc_table.to_pandas()

# Apply Filter
filtered_df = nyc_df[
    (nyc_df.total_amount > 100) &
    (nyc_df.year >2014)]

# Apply Projection
res = filtered_df[["total_amount", "passenger_count","year"]]

# Transform Result back to an Arrow Table
new_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(res)

DuckDB Streaming Speed

  • Pandas runtime was 146.91 seconds
  • DuckDB runtime was 0.05 seconds


  • duckplyr, from DuckDB Labs, offers 1:1 compatibility with dplyr functions but there are some caveats:
    • factor columns, nested lists, and nested tibbles are not yet supported
    • you have to use .by in dplyr::summarize() as dplyr::group_by() will not be supported by the developers

Benchmarking Analysis

  • Arrow and DuckDB really stood out for fast manipulation of data using dplyr syntax
  • The code below shows the basic transformation done to the NYC Taxi dataset via dplyr, arrow, duckdb, and duckplyr
nyc_taxi |> 
    dplyr::filter(passenger_count > 1) |> 
    dplyr::group_by(year) |> 
    dplyr::summarise(all_trips = n(),
                     shared_trips = sum(passenger_count, na.rm = T)) |>
    dplyr::mutate(pct_shared = shared_trips / all_trips * 100) |> 

Benchmark: 1 million rows

Benchmark: 10 million rows

Benchmark: 100 million rows

Benchmark: 500 million rows

4. tidymodels

tidymodels packages

tidymodels packages

tidymodels packages


  • The usemodels package generates easy-to-use boilerplate code for modeling
  • usemodels::use_glmnet() generates code that eases the setup of using the glmnet algorithm, and others, within the tidymodels framework

usemodels input example

use_glmnet(body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins)

usemodels output

glmnet_recipe <- recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins) |>
  step_zv(all_predictors()) |>

glmnet_spec <- multinom_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) |>
  set_mode("classification") |>

glmnet_workflow <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(glmnet_recipe) |>

glmnet_grid <- tidyr::crossing(penalty = 10^seq(-6, -1, length.out = 20), 
                               mixture = c(0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)) 

glmnet_tune <- 
            resamples = stop("add your rsample object"), 
            grid = glmnet_grid) 

usemodels templates

  • usemodels isn’t new but still in early development
  • the following model templates can be called using one of the usemodels::use_*() variants below:
> ls("package:usemodels", pattern = "use_")
[1] "use_C5.0"             "use_cubist"           "use_earth"           
[4] "use_glmnet"           "use_kernlab_svm_poly" "use_kernlab_svm_rbf" 
[7] "use_kknn"             "use_ranger"           "use_xgboost"         

Hyperparameter Tuning

The main two strategies for optimization are:

  • Grid search 💠 which tests a pre-defined set of candidate values

  • Iterative search 🌀 which suggests/estimates new values of candidate parameters to evaluate

Grid Search

  • In reality we would probably sample the space more densely with, for example, a three point grid:

Gaussian Process & Optimization

We can make a “meta-model” with a small set of historical performance results

Gaussian Processes (GP) models are a good choice to model performance

  • It is a Bayesian model so we are using Bayesian Optimization (BO)

  • The GP model can take candidate tuning parameter combinations as inputs and make predictions for performance (e.g. MAE)

Acquisition Functions

We’ll use an acquisition function to select a new candidate

The most popular method appears to be Expected Improvement (EI) above the current best results

  • Zero at existing data points.
  • The expected improvement is integrated over all possible improvement (“expected” in the probability sense).

We would probably pick the point with the largest EI as the next point to iterate

Iteration Approach

Once we pick the candidate point, we measure performance for it (e.g. resampling)

Another GP is fit, EI is recomputed, and so on

We stop when we have completed the allowed number of iterations or if we don’t see any improvement after a pre-set number of attempts

Iteration & EI Visualized

Bayesian Optimization

  • We’ll use a function called tune_bayes() that has very similar syntax to tune_grid()

  • It has an additional initial argument for the initial set of performance estimates and parameter combinations for the GP model

  • initial can be the results of another tune_*() function or an integer (in which case tune_grid() is used under to hood)

  • Max Kuhn suggests at least the # of tuning parameters plus two as the initial grid

Initial Grid with tune_grid()

reg_metrics <- metric_set(mae, rsq)

init_res <-
  lgbm_wflow %>%
    resamples = hotel_rs,
    grid = nrow(lgbm_param) + 2, # lgbm_param <- workflow() |> extract_parameter_set_dials()
    param_info = lgbm_param,
    metrics = reg_metrics

show_best(init_res, metric = "mae")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 11
#>   trees min_n   learn_rate `agent hash` `company hash` .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config             
#>   <int> <int>        <dbl>        <int>          <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>               
#> 1   390    10 0.0139                 13             62 mae     standard    11.3    10   0.202 Preprocessor1_Model1
#> 2   718    31 0.00112                72             25 mae     standard    29.0    10   0.335 Preprocessor4_Model1
#> 3  1236    22 0.0000261              11             17 mae     standard    51.8    10   0.416 Preprocessor7_Model1
#> 4  1044    25 0.00000832             34             12 mae     standard    52.8    10   0.424 Preprocessor5_Model1
#> 5  1599     7 0.0000000402          254            179 mae     standard    53.2    10   0.427 Preprocessor6_Model1

BO with tune_bayes()

lgbm_bayes_res <-
  lgbm_wflow %>%
    resamples = hotel_rs,
    initial = init_res,     # <- initial results
    iter = 20,
    param_info = lgbm_param, # lgbm_param <- workflow() |> extract_parameter_set_dials()
    metrics = reg_metrics

show_best(lgbm_bayes_res, metric = "mae")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 12
#>   trees min_n learn_rate `agent hash` `company hash` .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config .iter
#>   <int> <int>      <dbl>        <int>          <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>   <int>
#> 1  1769     2     0.0299          114            245 mae     standard    9.41    10   0.160 Iter13     13
#> 2  1969     3     0.0270          240             99 mae     standard    9.49    10   0.189 Iter11     11
#> 3  1780     5     0.0403           27             78 mae     standard    9.54    10   0.164 Iter17     17
#> 4  1454     3     0.0414          114             10 mae     standard    9.55    10   0.144 Iter10     10
#> 5  1253     2     0.0312          131            207 mae     standard    9.56    10   0.145 Iter19     19

Plotting BO Results

autoplot(lgbm_bayes_res, metric = "mae")

Plotting BO Results

autoplot(lgbm_bayes_res, metric = "mae", type = "parameters")

5. Other Highlights

Other Highlights